Posted by Olya Cherevko, Youth Impact Manager
Last fall some girls participating in Youth Impact asked me to speak with one of their friends. She had recently found out that she was pregnant. She wanted someone to talk to, but since she didn't know me she didn't feel comfortable approaching me. After speaking with her friends, I set up a time to talk with her.
During our conversation, she told me that she was pregnant. She was a student at the local Technical College (PTL). She knew that she would be kicked out of PTL if they found out that she was pregnant because they do not allow girls that are pregnant to remain in the dormitory. The only place that she could go to live was with some relatives that live in the village, but they told her that they would only take her if she was willing to have an abortion. She wanted to keep her child, but she knew that if she did she wouldn't have a place to stay. We met regularly so that I could encourage her and offer her whatever help I could. I was able to encourage her in her decision to keep her child.
In December she was kicked out of PTL. She went to live with her relatives. Although they encouraged her to have an abortion, she decided not to. Today I found out that she has a three month old baby girl and is married. She will be coming to Taraz in May to visit.
If it hadn't been for the relationship I had with the girls that participated in Youth Impact, I would never have had the opportunity to encourage this young woman as she faced such a difficult decision. I am looking forward to seeing her and her baby girl in May.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
New Beginnings
8:01 PM