The staff at Interlink want to thank those of you that allowed/encouraged/supported friends and family that came to Kazakhstan on the Youth Impact Delegation. We can not even begin to measure the impact they had on the students that they worked with. Thank you for sharing them with us.
We wanted to remind you of a few things as they return to the States today. Every person processes a trip like this differently. Some people need days or weeks to process before they feel like they can accurately express what happened to them. Others will have hours of stories that they will be ready to tell as soon as they see you for the first time. Be patient with them and allow them to express their thoughts as they have time to reflect. It may take a while for you to be able to understand the changes that have happened in them during this time.
Thanks again for letting them come and helping them to process as they return to the States.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thank You!
7:37 PM