Posted by Sara Coggins, Kids Connection Manager
Yesterday a delegation of ten arrived to work with Youth Impact. After a few minutes with the customs officials (who were curious about the number of boxes the group had) we left the airport in an air conditioned bus for the drive back to Taraz. The trip took about 8 hours. We stopped mid-way for some tea and bread. We were even given special seats at the roadside restaurant because we were guests from the USA. After a tour of the city and some time at the office, the delegation went to their host homes for the evening.
Today they had their first day of their program with Youth Impact. They seemed to have a great time getting to know them. Other than a few cuts and scrapes (delegates that were just a bit competitive) they all seem to be healthy and are enjoying their time. We will have more updates and some pictures in the next few days.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Youth Impact Delegation
11:58 PM