Saturday, September 6, 2008

Medical Instruments

Posted by Chic Silver, Delegate 

Along with visiting several Medical facilities with Interlink in 2000, I had the privilege of meeting Dr Nurgali on my first visit to Kazakhstan. He took extra time out of his busy schedule to give me a tour of his facility and introduce me to many members of the medical staff.  Of all the wonderful medical personnel I met, Dr Nurgali seemed to have a special compassion and genuine concern for his patients and his staff.  In touring the Operating Rooms (Surgical Areas) I noted a particular need for basic surgical instruments. During the next year we were able to fund and secure several sets of instruments for major and minor surgery.

In my second visit in 2001 our delegation was able to bring these Instruments with us and we were able to meet with Dr Nurgali again for "personal delivery".  Although very busy in his hospital duties we were able to spend time together and discuss their use.

In the spring of this year (2008) we again made contact with the hospital.  Dr Nurgali is now the Chief of Staff and the hospital is now a Regional Trauma Center.  He gave several of us a personal tour and showed us the many improvements made to the facility.  We discussed needs and he indicated that he would consult his staff.  They were able to provide a new list of surgical instrument needs. These were also funded and a portion of them were recently delivered to the hospital - with more instruments to follow.

During our discussions, questions were asked as to why we were doing this.  I indicated that I believe that I  have been particularly blessed and am responsible for passing those blessings on.  I appreciate the genuine compassion and concern that Dr Nurgali has and am happy that we were able to bless him in return.

I hope to be able to continue to work with this wonderful compassionate surgeon and his staff!